Wednesday, April 2, 2014

#SCARS The Movie #ComingAttractions

Dreams are born with a seed of a thought and grown through countless steps of action and loads of passion, faith and belief. #SCARS was a seed, a thought, a concept and has grown to become the potential realisation of not one person's dream, but many.
Hashtag Scars (#SCARS) is a teenage adventure film, a story about four random teenagers pulled together by fate when they realise they have two things in common; superpowers and one sinister neighbourhood mom. It is a project that has been blessed from the very beginning with so many individuals willing to contribute and invest their time, skills, money or energy in helping the development of this dream.

(Read more about this project here.)

This incredibly exciting project is the brain child of my hubby, Ferdinand and has been in development for just over a year now. A major amount of legwork in the development phase has already been completed, including the filming of an exciting new teaser trailer. It gives you a great feel for what's to come...
#SCARS Teaser Trailer 
It is so incredible to watch something come alive from concept phase to the written word, to images and possible shots and locations..
Some of the teenage cast members have already been pencil booked and let me tell you, there are some truly incredible talents in this country and we strive to give them the creative platforms they deserve. I am truly excited for all the possibilities it may bring for the young stars who will make their debut with this project and dream of great careers within this industry. There are 4 great main characters who drive the story: Ariana, Chloé, Shane and Tshepo. Then there's the antagonist character, Vanessa - a wonderfully meaty role and I feel so privileged and excited to be playing her. I really hope I will do her justice when the time comes. I can't wait to be on set and see the story come alive.

We are now in the process of sourcing the final funding and investment for #SCARS, which some say can be the hardest part of producing a film. But we already have so much support, I just know that in no time we will be green lit and shooting the first scene of this remarkable project. We are also currently running a crowd-funding campaign on indiegogo, and would love for you to check it out.
Just follow this indiegogo link.

We are daily working on the #SCARS campaign and development and I can not wait to let you know when we're finally in production. So keep an eye out and watch this space!

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