We were so blessed with a wonderful group of incredible talents this year and if I may be so bold - I believe each one of them had a deeply impacting and life changing experience in the short space of time together - approximately 70 jam packed hours in 2 weeks. The Broadway Performance Showcase Experience workshop is intense, it is hard work, it is intimate and it is grueling.. but somehow it has the power to positively influence young individuals in such a significant way, something we can't orchestrate or plan - it just happens.
At BPSE, you experience unnerving auditions, grueling vocal sessions, exciting studio recordings, exhausting dance rehearsals, detailed acting, plotting and staging and finally putting together a production in a top class theatre and learning what it takes to put up a musical theatre production from start to finish. But more than that, you experience the unity and bond of a tight-knit cast, how wonderfully positive and uplifting we can be in this industry and how many others share your passions, your talents, your dreams and hopes. A BPSE Grad will never forget the experience, the friends made and the lessons learnt.
This is what one of our talented cast members of the BPSE 2014 production '96000' had to say a few days after our final day of the Broadway Performance Showcase Experience.
Three of our candidates have been scouted by agents (can not reveal names yet) and will most probably be contacted and signed in the next month. One of our candidates was all set to go and study to become a chartered accountant and now stands on the edge of a major career and life changing decision having been ignited and inspired to follow his heart and passion. Many of our candidates are about to leave school and enter tertiary education, and have received invaluable input and guidance in their degree, diploma and institution choices.
I believe one of the most valuable and memorable parts of our workshop to be the two hour Q and A session with high profile industry professionals from various job designations, sharing their hearts as well as their years of invaluable knowledge, expertise, networks and personal learnings. Every year it leaves me inspired and moved and excited about our industry, the people in it and especially those about to enter the wonderful world of theatre, screen, music and the performing arts.
BPSE has grown to be more than just an idea or a project, it has become a formidable team, passionate about providing this platform, in this way, to the many young impressionable artists out there; it has become a family of BPSE Grads all linked by what they love to do and committing themselves to be the very best versions of themselves.
We are so #grateful for a very successful two weeks of BPSE 2014 and the final performances of
'96000 - Where Your Treasure Lies' at the Atterbury Theatre.
To know more about the annual Broadway Performance Showcase Experience hosted by
FADCreationS click
These great pics from the production are courtesy of Photo Elements.
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