Here are a few things I do to remind myself of the now, to remind myself to enjoy where I am, right now, in this moment and season of life.
1. Daily Gratitude
For me it has taken many forms over the years, but I like to create a daily ritual in which I either write in a journal, or on cards that go in a jar, or share with a family member at least 3 things that I am grateful for that day. It really makes you look at the blessings in the now and feel positive about where you are.
2. Celebrate Self
Make a fuss over your own achievements, even if nobody else does! Reward yourself. Take a day off. Go to the spa. See a friend. Save for and buy something you really want and desire. Make a gold star chart if you want! And emotionally, take on that feeling of achievement, that 'well done' slap on the back and own it!

3. Do more of what you Love
Walk the dog. Walk in the park. Walk in the mall. Create a scrapbook, take beautiful pictures or visit museums. Watch your favourite series, go to the movies, watch a play. Visit with friends. Go to classes.. dancing, acting, yoga. Have a bubble bath. Drink wine. Eat chocolate. Work out like a mean mother. Go for a run, do warrior races, play your music really loudly. Write, plant, paint, sleep or whatever makes you feel really yummy inside.
4. Replace lower energies with high ones.
Acknowledge any feelings of guilt, fear or worry, understand why they are there and then replace them with energies of joy, passion and love. It takes practice, but not allowing negativity to cloud your world is the first step to being happy with and enjoying where you are.
5. Stop, Breathe, Observe
When you have a moment of frustration, stop. Look around you. See life. See beauty. See people. There are many people around you who you may aspire to, but also those who make you realise how far you have come and all you have to be grateful for. Breathe. Accept. And go on to nr.6.
6. Take Action
Every small piece of action counts. Even if it means that today the only productive thing you did was sweep your porch, or sort through old photos or made an important phone call - then that was the one thing that filled you up, cleared things out or propelled you forward.
You will have a hard time being okay with the now, if you do not have worth-wile and worthy goals for the future. Have some, or at least one big hairy scary goal that makes you dream and hope and wish and believe for it! Then also have interim goals that are stepping stones, not too far away and feels achievable in your mind. Make a vision board, or a vision journal or a vision Pinterest board! ;) But do have a picture for your future in mind. That is what will fuel you on the way to getting there, while enjoying where you are.
Love to you all,