Has their ever been a South African theatre legend quite like the Tobie Cronje...
Fred Astaire meets Robin Williams meets Stanley Tucci.
(think about that for a minute)...
His sheer brilliance, wonderful subtlety, genius timing, animated physicality and divine carrying of the character/scene between the lines... I could watch Tobie perform the cygnets from Swan Lake whilst whistling 'Siembamba mamma se kindjie' and I'd think it's amazing. (it probably would be too)
But it's his gentle giant nature, his 'Tai Chi' spirit and his kind, humble soul that just draws you in and makes you want to sit at his feet and absorb his goodness. I have had the honour of working with Toobs in two different productions and am so grateful for it. He is probably one of the most popular people after a show, but took the unhurried time to meet and shake hands with our mentorship students, Jaydee and Mongene joining me at the event.
Love you Toobs x

I laughed... hard and a lot.
But even through the light comedy, this line spoke to me... 'meeste mense ploeter maar voort,
omdat hulle nie die moed het om te verander nie.'
I do have things I want to change (don't we all), and they ain't gonna change all on their own. It's going to take some guts, determination and lots of perseverance.
Now I just need a 'Henry' (played by Tobie) to follow me around and make sure I don't eat any chocolates, or deviate in other ways from my goals!
Any takers?
(Vettie Vettie is showing until the 1st of June and then travels to the Theatre on the Bay in Cape Town, tickets available at this link. )
Chat soon,
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