To me improv is like church for actors, it's where we go to get nourishment and fuel for when we're out in the acting 'world'. Causing-A-Scene improv troupe opened their doors for a short while, to allow 'outside' actors an opportunity to come and 'play' with them (as they put it), and also for them to find a few new candidates to eventually join their regular sessions.

I was lucky enough to be able to 'play' with them every Wednesday for the past 5 weeks and last week I attended the final 'open' evening at the National School of the Arts in Braamfontein. So now, many hopefuls will wait to hear if they will be invited back as part of the Causing-A-Scene improv troupe. Either way, it has been a fantastic experience for me. I am not new to improv, but I know during the past few weeks, I broke some barriers for sure. I grew not only as an actress, but also in my love for theatre sports and improv.
It can be such a scary yet exhilarating exercise. No 'scene' is ever the same and anything can happen, I think that's what I like about it... the endless possibilities.

And when it is well executed, man, it is brilliant to see. Attending improv workshops doesn't necessarily mean you have to be the next SNL star or even be a comedic actor at all, but it allows us 'normal' actors to open up to some seriously uninhibited exploration and building your self-trust. To learn to get out of your own head a little and just go with it. To listen and to say 'Yes!' - to your fellow actors, their decisions and to whatever happens in the scene.

Through just a couple of weeks attending the Causing a Scene sessions, I have undoubtedly grown leaps in my approach, my techniques and confidence. Many of which, I can now put to use during castings, on stage or on screen and I do look forward to exploring more workshop opportunities of the same kind.
If you are interested, here are some cool sites on the subject:
Speak soon,
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