Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Strands of Love Hair Extensions #FanClub

My look has recently been completely transformed by Strands Of Love - the gorgeous hair extensions I can now sassily toss over my shoulder and the gorgeously vivid red colour that has me incapable of shopping incognito, courtesy of Goldwell Education Manager Craig Hopkins with Goldwell Elumen and the magical hands of stylists Cornel Moolman Nel and from Follicle Hair Atelier.

I'm thoroughly enjoying my new mane of mega femininity! I've never felt quite so close to passing for a mermaid! 
Although it's yet to be seen how my look will fair in castings and auditions this year? Not sure if I pass for your average #mommypart, but I certainly will be memorable! 

I've never sported extentions before and had to do a bit of reading up on the correct #haircare for my 'strands of love'!  
These are the major rules I've learned for myself: 
1. Don't overwash

This is my new look below for my hair's 'shower protection' - in order not to over wash and condition the hair. I can't for the life of me waste time in a bath every day (that's purely for when I can indulge with a glass of wine and a good book) so shower caps and creative water avoidance is at the order of the day. 

2. Do always dry

I use to be able to just allow my own hair to dry naturally but these babies prefer to be dried with some heat straight away, particularly close to the bonds and scalp. 

3. Brushing is the business 

So I'm yet to discover where in SA you can buy a 'looper' brush - had no clue what that was - see picture below. But the general rule is to use soft and gentle bristle brushes, to comb from the tip working your way up and to brush gently but often. 

4. Product protection 

It's important to wash with a good 'salon approved' shampoo and conditioner, but what has really been great advice from Julien Snyders of Strands of Love is to use Joico's Moisture Balm (love this product!). You can also use an argan oil to keep the hair hydrated and healthy. 

5. Don't freak out- they do fall out 

So when I lost my first strand I thought I had committed a crime and was wondering if I'm doing something wrong, but as stylist Shane from Follicle Hair Atelier explained, they do experience a certain amount of stress on the bonds and sometimes will release and come loose. Just hang onto your MIA pieces until you can get back to your salon and have them rebonded and attached. 

And I'm in good company, check out other lovers of Strands-of-Love! 

Here are some simple 'looks' I've tried since I have become an extensions-gal...

I'm having such fun with my new look! Hubby and I are pictured below at the TopModelSA event, shortly after gaining my gorgeous new Strands of Love.

So here's to happy 'hair days' for all my blog readers!! Go on, try something new - change is as good as a holiday! 

Chat soon,

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